Page:Beauty for Ashes.djvu/110

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104 Spirit and ike divine operation (treating also of the divine Trinity). lV.~The Sacred Scripture or Word of the Lord. V.— The catechism or decalogue explained as to its external and internal sense. YI. — Of faith. VIL — Charity, or love toward our neighbor, and good works. VIII. — Free will IX. — Repentance. X — Reformation and regene- ration. XI. — Imputation. XIL — BaptisoL XIIL— The holy supper. XIY. — ^The consummation of the age, the second coming of the Lord, and the new heaven and the new church. In addition to this, there are upwards of seventy msmobable re- lations, a suFPLEMENT couceming the spiritual world, and a copious Lidex to the whole work, of about 100 pages. ■♦♦- ARCANA COZLBSTIA. THE HEAVENLY AROANA CONTAINED IN THE HOLT SCRIPTURES OR WORD OF THE LORD, XTirFOLDED ; TOGETHER WITH WONDERFUL THINGS SEEN IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS, AND IN THE HEAVEN OF ANGELS. Ten vols. 8vo., about 660 pp. each. Price 15 cts. per voL This is Swedenborg*s great work — ^by far the largest and most comprehensive of all his works. Its grand purpose is to unfold the spiritual sense of the Scripture or Word of the Lord, especially and more fully that of the books of Genesis and Exodns. And, at the close of every chapter, are given interesting and valuable relations of things seen and heard in the spiritual world — as, concerning the process of dying, the resurrection of man from the dead, and his entrance into eternal life ; concerning the nature of the life of the soul or spirit ; concerning heaven and heavenly joy ; concerning hell, its nature and its miseries ; concerning spheres in the other life ; concerning the light and heat in which the angels live, and their paradisiacal scenery ; concerning visions and dreams, including the prophetical ones recorded in the Word ; concerning the last judgment ; concerning memory in the other life ; concerning the condition of the Mahometans and Heathen in the other world ; concerning man's freedom ; concerning representations and correspondences ; concerning the Grand Man, or whole angelic heaven, and the coiTcspondence of the different socie-