Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/236

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

just now, with some other particulars I'll tell you later. Meanwhile, I was searching his person, and found a pocketbook with a fat roll of bills in it. If he had had any burglar tools, he had chucked them away somewhere. Well, he proceeded to yowl and deny some more, but we'd had enough of that, so, handcuffed and trussed up, he was trotted off to our auto. The machine was battered, but would run all right, so we hurried our captive up the road to the county jail, sent for a doctor and left him to his happy meditations.

"First thing, we got in communication by long distance with Commodore Hatton in Newport News."

"He was there, was he?" questioned Turner.

"Sure, his yacht got in safely early in the afternoon."

"Then, thank the Lord, it wasn't his boat that came near hitting the shoals last night!" Turner rejoiced.

"He was snug in port by four o'clock, it seems, and was making ready to get on Blanco's trail this morning. First thing he wanted to know was about the boys, and you can bet your