Page:Beneath the willow tree.pdf/4

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Then is heard no more
By the watch on the shore,
The minute Gun at sea.
By the watch, &c.

Now Winter wi' his cloudy Brow.

Now Winter wi' his cloudy brow,
is far ayont yon mountains,
And spring beholds her azure sky,
reflected in the fountains.

Now on the budding slae-thorn bank
milyhserspr ads her blossom;
And wooes the mirly breasted birds
to nestle in her bosom.

But lately, a' was clad wi' snaw,
sae darksome, dull, and dreary;
Now lav'rocks sing to hail the spring,
an' nature all is cheery.

Gude Forgi'e me for Liein'.

AE day a braw wooer came down the lang glen
And sair wi' his love he did deave me;
But I said, there was naething I hated like men
The duce tak' the lad to belive me.

A weel stocket mailen himself o't the laird,
An' bridal aff han', was the proffer;
I never loot on that I kend or I car'd,
But I thought I might get a waur offer.