Page:Bengal Celebrities.djvu/150

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[ is« ] W. C. BONERJI. Mr. W. C. Bonerji (Womes Chandra Bonerji) was born in 1844 at Khiderpore of a respectable and wealthy Brahmin family. His grandfather had acquired considerable landed property in Calcutta and the suburbs while his father was an attorney of the Calcutta High Court. . Umesh Chandra was sent to school at an early age, but in his case the child was not the father of the man. Private theatricals were very common in those days and Womesh Chandra used to spend his time in witnessing the performances and some times taking part in them. It is worthy of note that he who was destined to play such an important part on the political stage of his country should thus show an inordinate passion for appearing on the stage of these private theatricals. The father was naturally much disappointed in the son and took him away from school and placed him under a fellow-attorney, Mr. Downing by name. It has justly been observed that intellects like plants require the proper atmosphere and culture for growth. From the very day that Womeshchandra entered the office room of Mr. Downing there was observed in him a marked change for the better. He eagerly betook himself to legal studies and the proficiency he came to acquire in a short time was perfectly amazing. He passed first in all open competitive examinations and obtained a scholarship given by Sir Jamsetji Jeejeebhoy of Bombay to enable him to prosecute his legal studies in England. Womeschandra started for England and was called to the bar in due time. He came back to India and was enrolled as an advocate in the Calcutta H'gh Court. When he began his practice the English and the Irish barristers threw every obstacle they could in his path ; but true merit can never be suppressed. Womeschandra became the ornament of the bar, so much so indeed that he was able to