Page:Bengal Celebrities.djvu/174

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£ m ] ANANDA MOHAN BOSE. Anandamohan Bose, the lawyer, orator, and patriot, was born in 1847 at Jaystddhii n the district of Mymensing, His school and college career was of the most brilliant kind. He was one of the competitive scholars at the Entrance Examination of 1862, and at the F. A. and B. A. Examinations he stood first in the list, In the M. A. Examination he came out as first in mathematics. After a professorship at the Presidency College, he obtained the Roychand Premchand Studentship and proceeded to England in 1870. He had come very early under the influence of Babu Kesav Chandra Sen and was initiated by him into Brahmoism in 1869. In Eng- land he studied at Christ College, Cambridge and came out as the nimh wrangler. While at Cambridge, he had already showed him- self a., a powerful speaker at the Cambridge Debating Society. In 1874 he returned to India as a Barrister-at-law and joined the High Court Bar. He was a successful lawyer, but his constant occupa- tion in patriotic activities showed that his heart was not in his profession and prevented his taking the highest rank in it. In 1875 he founded the Student's Association, which contributed not a little to infuse new life and energy into our young men. Soon after he, with Babu Surendra Nath Banerjee, established the Indian Associa- tion, which has done so much to promote political life and activity in the country. In 1876 he with the late Babu Durgamohan Das, found- ed the Banga Mahila Vidyalay for the higher education of women. The progress of this* school was so satisfactory, that the Government took entire charge of it and amalgamated it with the Bethune School, which till then had been only a Primary School. The school even- tually became a college. Thus the high education of Bengali women may be said to date from the establishment of the Banga