Page:Bengal Celebrities.djvu/54

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When Pandit Iswar Chundra Vidyasagar died on the 29th July, 1891, he was most widely mourned as an educationist, a philanthropist and a literary man who left a void never to be filled. Born in 1820 in a poor Brahmin family at Birshingha in Midnapur, he showed throughout his life what genius was capable of accomplishing even when unaided by favourable circumstances. He was educated at the Government Sanskrit College, which is the chief seat of Sanskrit learning in these days, where he won laurels and was honoured with the proud distinction of Vidyasagar ("sea of learning") by his professors in recognition of his vast and varied learning. At the age of 21 he entered Government service, being appointed Head Pandit of the Fort William College. About that time he began to learn English, and with characteristic energy, acquired a remarkable proficiency in that language within a very short period. In 1846 he was appointed Asst. Secretary to the Sanskrit College, but owing to difference of opinion with the Council of Education he resigned that post. In 1849 however, he was appointed Head Assistant to the Fort William College, when he was promoted to a professorship of the Sanskrit College. In 1855 he was appointed special Inspector of Schools for the districts of Hoogly, Nadia, Burdwan, and Midnapur in addition to his duties as a Principal, and was chiefly instrumental in establishing a number of model vernacular schools and also a number of girls' schools at the expense of the Government. But his independence could not long brook the restraints of service. He came into conflict with the Director of Public Instruction and resigned in 1856. Still he was hold in such high esteem by the Government, that he was often respectfully consulted by successive Lieutenant governors with respect to social and educational matters.

He was thus described by Madhu Sudan Dutt, the poet: "He has the simplicity of an old Rishi, the energy of an Englishman, and the heart of a Bengali mother". His works