Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/191

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groaning under viands of the richest and most delicious kind were placed before the king. But, when he was about to eat, some articles of food were turned into gold mohurs and the others into gems. Greatly surprised, he said, "Arun, Barun, and Kirunmala, what have I done to be the subject of such a hoax? Is it possible for a man to eat gold mohurs and gems?" The persons addressed also were surprised at what had happened, and unable to read the mystery they kept silent; whereupon the bird from its cage said, "O king, you say it is impossible for a human being to eat gold mohurs and gems; is it not equally impossible for a woman to give birth to a cur, a kitten, and a doll? Here are Arun, Barun, and Kirunmala, your sons and daughter. If you care to receive your wronged and disgraced wife back, look for her in the hut across the neighbouring river." The king, in sincere repentance, rolled on the ground, cursing his stupidity in being imposed upon by his sisters-in-law; and, when somewhat tranquillized, he embraced his children and begged them to go to their mother, whom he was ashamed to meet. Greatly moved, they hastened to the hut where she lived, and brought her home. And within as short a time as possible their father removed his capital to the place where their palace was, and the royal couple passed their days in peace and happiness with their sons and daughter, who were soon afterwards married. The queen's sisters were sentenced to be buried alive, with thorns above and under them.