Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/202

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time he was struck blind, suddenly appeared in its natural condition; and the eight brothers set out on their way to their father's kingdom. The real queen, who had so long lain dead, had returned to consciousness on the recovery of the dice in which her life was held. She came out of the room in which she had been shut up, and the princes on their arrival bowed down at her feet and received her blessing. The old king's joy was boundless; and having heard of Dalim's adventures, he sent for his daughter-in-law from her distant kingdom, asking her to remove her court to his, so that two kingdoms might merge into one. She agreed, and nothing was wanting to complete to the fullest measure the happiness of the royal family.

The Rakkhashi was never more heard of. Her favourite haunt, the palmyra, was shortly afterwards found to have suddenly withered and died.