Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/238

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A Kut Prisoner By Lieut. H. C. W. BISHOP. Illus. 6/6 net. This book is the remarkable story of the first three British officers to escape from a Turkish prison camp. It contains a description of the siege and the march of 1,700 miles to Kastamuni ; of their capture, escape, and dramatic rescue, and finally the voyage in an open boat to Alupka, in the Crimea. The Last Crusade, 1914=1918 By DONALD MAXWELL, Author of "Adventures with a Sketch-Book," " A Cruise Across Europe," etc., etc. With numerous Illustrations by the author in colour, and in black and white. Crown 4to. ^I : 5 : o net. " Adventures with a Sketch-Book " showed how well Mr. Maxwell can sketch and write. During the war he joined the R.N.V.R. and was afterwards attached as an official artist to the Admiralty, and he gives his impressions of Palestine in a volume which, while touching an interesting aspect of the war, is also a finished example of pictorial and literary art, "A multitude of delightful pictures and drawings . . . The coloured plates have great charm, and as beautiful are the delightful monochromes." — Pall Mall Gazette.

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