Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/40

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possible, he got from one of his sisters-in-law a corn measure to see how many rupees he had. But he kept the purpose secret in order to have a greater surprise ready for his relations. Measure after measure he deposited the coins in his chest, leaving at length a single rupee sticking to the bottom of the measure so that at sight of it his brothers and their wives might be thrown into a sea of curiosity, on knowing that he had had so much money that a measure was required to ascertain its amount. What he had anticipated came to pass, and his brothers, with jealousy and confusion on their faces, came to him and asked him how he had become the master of so much money that it could not be conveniently counted, but estimated only by the measure used for the purpose of measuring corn. He enjoyed their chagrin and confusion, replying, "You see, brothers, I am the favourite of the gods, and my good fortune turns misfortune into blessings. My house caught fire, and with the two bags of charcoal I have earned as many bags of rupees."

"Dear Khoodeh," the brothers hastened to answer, "do tell us how this happened. If feasible, we shall follow your plan and make ourselves rich for life."

"I have obtained the money in the easiest way," he replied. "A dozen miles off, there is a town where charcoal is so valued that the people there pay for a bag of it an equally capacious bag of rupees. I went there and they eagerly closed the bargain with me. I advise you to burn your houses and go to the town to-morrow morning, and while passing along its streets you must, as I did, bawl out, 'A bag of charcoal goes for an equally large bag of rupees.'"

Here Khoodeh gave an imaginary description of the fictitious town. And his brothers, as silly as they were covetous, set fire to their houses that very night. Next morning, six heaps of charcoal were put into twelve bags, and the six brothers with as many cows, borrowed from their neighbours, and loaded up with two bags each, proceeded in the direction pointed out by Khoodeh. At length they