Page:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu/85

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and then supplying her and her son with food enough for the day. The tiger's mission then took him to the bazaar, whence he got all the necessary articles of consumption, and, lest his entrance into the Brahmini's house should throw her again into terror, he considerately cast them over the wall into the courtyard.

As it was late in the day, neither the Brahmini nor her son ate any substantial food before sunset. They waited for the evening to set in, and then an excellent meal was prepared such as they had never before had. They ate heartily, and after conversing on the momentous topics of the day, they sought their beds. The mother, when about to lie down, found the shell of the cowrie tied in one corner of her sarhi, and after showing it to her son, and telling him how she had obtained it, placed it under her pillow. Sleep then seized their eyelids, and the night passed in sweet oblivion of their troubles.

Next morning, the Brahmini, on leaving her bed and removing the pillow, found the cowrie changed into a mánik.[1] Surprised and delighted, she took it up, and going to the richest jeweller in the city close to her house, pawned the gem for one-tenth of its value, and returned home with all possible speed. She communicated the good news to her son, who fell into an ecstasy on seeing the immense sum of money heaped on the floor. They could now afford to fare sumptuously, and after breakfast they commenced talking of their changed condition and prospects, when suddenly an old woman approached them and told them they were wanted by an old Brahmin living a little way from their house, and that it would be to their advantage if they went to see him. The mother and her son followed the woman, and were taken into a very rich mansion, grandly furnished, and with many servants in attendance. The mother was introduced to the old Brahmin, who showed her all the apartments, and told

  1. A mánik is a fabulous gem of immense value supposed to lie in the head of a snake. It is reputed to be worth the wealth of seven kings put together.