Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/103

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88 BENGAL VAISHNAVISM perience only ; but gradually it possess even the outer senses, thereby filling not onlj-^ the inner consciousness of the devotee with the Presence of the Deity but also covering his outer sense-contacts with the Divine Presence. These nama-l^ertanct'S gradually ix>ssessing both the inner consciousness and the outer sense-contacts of the devotee with the Presence of the Divine result in that state of trance wherein he sees even with his outer eye his Lord. This experience has been recorded in the literature of Bengal Yaishnavism by the familiar statement : ^ ^ i The devotee (in this state) no doubt sees both objects that move not and those that move, but wherever his eyes fall there is the manifestation of his God. It means, that the rupam or the form of the Lord covers to the eye of the devotee all visible objecta He sees the flowering bushes in his garden, he sees the cattle in his field, he sees the horses pass- ing by his road, he sees men, women and children moving about him, — ^but all these out^ sights are covered with the reflection of the* spiritual halo of the Lord. The earth.