Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/51

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B6 BENGAL VAISHNAVISM body. The Absolute, therefore, has a body, but not a mortal body like ours, which is subject to growth and decay. But even this body cannot be explained unless it has as its Regulative Idea an eternall3'- realised ideal or prototj'pe. That prototype cannot be something physical or material but must necessarily be non-physical and non-material or what we understand as spiritual. The Absolute has a non-material, non-phj’sical or spiritual bod3'. Only to seize this truth we must first of all completely get rid of the very common conception of the Infinite as a Spacial Infinite, All our confusions regarding the Absolute or most of these arise from this wrong notion. The Absolute has also sense-organs similar to ours, though unlike our organs His organs are not ph3’^sical and material. Indeed, even our sense-organs are really not absolutely physical or material. Behind these organs, clothed in flesh, there stand spiritual essences, wherein we have to seek and find their truth and meaning. Our sense-organs are subject to the universal law of evolution ; they grow from less to more ; they are subject to growth and decay. But this process of evolution cannot be ration-