Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/56

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THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE ABSOLUTE 41 is the etei'nally realised pi*ototype of the pro- gressively realising universe in the midst of which we live. This Brindabana is in the very Being of the Lord. And when Shree Krishna never moves from His Eternal Being or State, He cannot be an incarnation or emanation ; because, such incarnation or emanation is inconceivable unless He moves from His eternal state. This is the logic of the Bengal Yaishnavic position in regard to Shree Krishna, This Shree Krishna is alwaj-^s of the human form — two-handed, never four- handed or six-handed, as he has been des- cribed in the popular Krishna cult and legend. These four-handed or six-handed conceptions are imaginary and fanciful made by the devotees to help them in their devotions. They are not the real form oi Shree Krishna. All these have been expressly declared in the scriptures of Bengal Vaishuavism. Summing up these conceptions of the Divine Personality the Bengal Yaishnavas declare : wra i Of all the sports of Shree Krishna the highest and best is that acted on the human plane ; in this sport His instrument or help is the human body.