Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/69

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64 BENGAL VAISHNAVISM cured of the conceit that they are mine, are consecrated to the Lord through contempla- tion of the Lord as the real owner of them. My eyes are His. He sees and enjoys His universe of rupam through m3' e3'es. M3' ears are His. He cognises the world of sound and enjo3'S it through my ears. So on and so forth with regard to all our senses. This is the service of the Lord of the senses through the senses. But this is rcall3' partial union. There ma3' not neccssaril3' be an3' passion in this service of the Lord of the .senses throitgh the senses. But cvcr3' act of knowledge creates or provokes some desire. Knowing and feeling are organicall3' bound uj) together. Mere kixowing is an eibstraction. We do not know any such thing in actvial experience. We may suppress the desire that follows knowing, and thereb3' think that knowing need not be fol- lowed b3' desire. That is reall3' an abstraction. In actualit3' knowing must generate desire, and desire must with equal necessit3' prompt activit3'. Knowing and feeling and willing are inseparable in actual experience, though they ma3' be conceived as sepai'ated or separable in the abstract. These three — knowing, feeling and willing, of knowledge, emotions and will — constitute