Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/142

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2755brogdne beadu-sercean,  under[1] beorges hrōf.
Geseah ðā sige-hrēðig,  þā hē bī sesse gēong,
mago-þegn *mōdig  māððum-sigla fealo,[2]Fol. 190a.
gold glitinian  grunde getenge,
wundur on wealle,  ond þaes wyrmes denn,
2760ealdes ūht-flogan;  orcas stondan,
fyrn-manna fatu,  feormend-lēase,
hyrstum behrorene.  Þǣr wæs helm monig
eald ond ōmig,  earm-bēaga fela
searwum gesǣled.  Sinc ēaðe mæg,
2765gold on grund[e],[3]  gum-cynnes gehwone
oferhīgian,[4]  hȳde sē ðe wylle.
Swylce hē siomian geseah  segn eall-gylden
hēah ofer horde,  hond-wundra mǣst,
gelocen leoðo-cræftum;  of ðām lēoma[5] stōd,
2770þæt hē þone grund-wong  ongitan meahte,
wræte[6] giondwlītan.  Næs ðæs wyrmes þǣr
onsȳn ǣnig,  ac hyne ecg fornam.
Ðā ic on hlǣwe gefrægn  hord rēafian,
eald enta geweorc,  ānne mannan,
2775him on bearm hladon[7]  būnan ond discas
sylfes dōme;  segn ēac genōm,
bēacna beorhtost.  Bill ǣr gescōd[8]

  1. 2755. MS. ‘urder.’
  2. 2757. Most editors normalise to ‘fela’ or ‘feola.’ But see Sievers §§ 275 and 150, 3).
  3. 2765. MS. defective at edge.
  4. 2766. Grein ‘[hord] oferhigian’ (surpass). No gap in MS.
  5. 2769. MS. ‘leoman.’
  6. 2771. MS. ‘wræce,’ here and in l. 3060. Thorpe ‘wræte’ in both places.
  7. 2775. MS. ‘hlodon.’ For infin. in -on cf. ll. 308, etc., and see Sievers § 363, 1).
  8. 2777. MS. ‘ærge scod.’ Kemble ‘ǣr-gescōd,’ brass-shod, sheathed in