Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/147

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þæt hē gēnunga  gūð-gewǣdu
wrāðe forwurpe,  ðā hyne wīg beget.
Nealles folc-cyning  fyrd-gesteallum
gylpan þorfte;  hwæðre him God ūðe,
2875sigora Waldend,  þæt hē hyne sylfne gewræc
āna mid ecge,  þā him wæs ehies þearf.
Ic him līf-wraðe  lȳtle meahte
ætgifan æt gūðe,  ond ongan swā þēah
ofer mīn gemet  mǣges helpan.
2880Symle wæs þȳ sǣmra,  þonne ic sweorde drep
ferhð-genīðlan;  fȳr unswīðor[1]
wēoll of gewitte.  Wergendra[2] tō lȳt
þrong ymbe þēoden,  þā, hyne sīo *þrāg becwom.Fol. 192b.
Nū[3] sceal sinc-þego  ond swyrd-gifu,
2885eall ēdel-wyn,  ēowrum cynne,
lufen ālicgean;  lond-rihtes mōt
þǣre mǣg-burge  monna ǣghwylc
īdel hweorfan,  syððan æðelingas
feorran gefricgean  flēam ēowerne,
2890dōm-lēasan dǣd.  Dēað bið sēlla
eorla gehwylcum  þonne edwīt-līf.”}}


Heht ðā þæt heaðo-weorc  tō hagan bīodan
  1. 2881. MS. ‘fyrun (“u altered from a”) swiðor.’ Grein ‘fȳr ran swīðor.’ This makes Beowulf, instead of the dragon, the subject of wæs (2880), and spoils the passage. For “unswīðor,” cf. l. 2578.
  2. 2882. MS. ‘fergendra.’
  3. 2884 MS. ‘hu.’