Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/155

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Þā wæs gesȳne,  þæt se sīð ne ðāh
þām ðe unrihte  inne gehȳdde
3060wræte[1] under wealle.  Weard ǣr ofslōh
fēara sumne;  þā sīo fǣhð gewearð
gewrecen wrāðlīce.  Wundur hwār þonne
eorl ellen-rōf  ende gefēre
līf-gesceafta,  þonne leng ne mæg
3065mon mid his [mā]gum[2]  medu-seld būan.[3]
Swā wæs Bīowulfe,  þā hē biorges weardFol. 196a.
sōhte, searo-nīðas;  seolfa ne cūðe,
þurh hwæt his worulde gedāl  weorðan sceolde.
Swā hit oð dōmes dæg  dīope benemdon
3070þēodnas mǣre,  þā ðæt þǣr dydon,
þæt se secg wǣre  synnum scildig,
hergum geheaðerod,  hell-bendum fæst,
wommum gewitnad,  sē ðone wong strude.[4]
Næs hē gold-hwæt;[5]  gearwor hæfde
3075Āgendes ēst  ǣr gescēawod.
Wīglāf maðelode,  Wihstānes sunu:
“Oft sceall eorl monig  ānes willan
wræc ādrēogan,[6]  swā ūs geworden is.
Ne meahton wē gelǣran  lēofne þēoden,
3080rīces hyrde,  rǣd ǣnigne,
þǣt hē ne grētte  gold-weard þone,

  1. 3060. MS. ‘wræce’; Thorpe ‘wræte.’ Cf. l. 2771.
  2. 3065. MS. defective at corner.
  3. Wülcker has a question-mark after būan.
  4. 3073. MS. ‘strade.’ Cf. l. 3126.
  5. 3074. MS. ‘gold-hwæte.’ Thorpe and Wülcker ‘gold-hwaete’: Grein (after Bugge) ‘Næs (“not”) hē gold-hwæte (agreeing with ēst) gearwor etc’ Sievers ‘gold-hwætes’ (agreeing with āgendes).
  6. 3078. MS. ‘a dreogeð.’
