Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/190

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pres. sg. ācwyð, 2046; pret. sg. ācwaeð, “quoth,” 654.

ge-cweðan, st. v., say, speak, 535, 2664; pret. sg. gecwæð, “quoth,” 857, etc.
cwic, cwico, adj., quick, living, alive, 98, 2314, 3093, etc.
cwīðan, st. v., with acc., lament, mourn, 2112, 3171.
-cwyð, see -cweðan.
cyme, st. m., coming; pl. 257.
cymen, see cuman.
cym-līce, adv.
cym-līcor, compar., in more comely fashion, more fitly, 38.
cyn(n), st. neut., kin, race, 98, 107, 421, etc.
cyne-dōm, st. m., kingdom, 2376.
cyning, kyning, st. m., king, 11, 619, 3171, etc.
cyning-bald, adj., [king-bold] royally bold, 1634.
cynn, st. neut., only in pl. (of adj. cyn(n), “akin, suitable”), customs, courtesies, etiquette, 613.
cȳpan, w. v., sell.
ge-cypan, w. v., buy, purchase, hire, 2496.
cyssan, w. v.
ge-cyssan, w. v., kiss, 1870.
cyst, st. f., [choosing] choice, choiceness, choice quality, excellence, pick, 673, 802, 867, 923, etc.
cȳðan, w. v., make known, show, 659, etc.; pp. gecȳðed, “made known, famed,” 262, 700, 1971, etc.
ge-cūðan, w. v., make known, 257, 354.


dǣd, st. f., deed, act, 181, etc.; acc. dǣd, 585, etc., dǣde, 889; gen. pl. hafað…dǣda gefondad, “has experienced deeds (of violence?),” 2454.
dǣd-cēne, adj., [deed-keen] bold in act, 1645.
dǣd-fruma, w. m., [deed-chief] doer of deeds, 2090.
dǣd-hata, w. m., [deed-hater] one who shows his hatred in deeds, 275.
dæg, st. m., day, 197, 485, 3159, etc.
dæges, gen. of dæg used adverbially, by day, 1935, 2269.
dæg-hwīl, st. f., day-while, day; acc. pl. hē dæg-hwīla gedrogen hæfde eorðan wynne, “he had spent his days of earth’s joy,” 2726.
dæg-rīm, st. neut., [day-rime] number of days; nom. dōgera dæg-rim, “the number of his days,” 823.
dǣl, st. m., deal, part, portion, share, 621, 1740, 2843, etc.
dǣlan, w. v., deal, divide, distribute, share, 80, 2534, etc.
be-dǣlan, w. v., with dat. rei, deprive, bereave, 721, 1275. ge-dǣlan, w. v., deal out, 71; divide, part, 731, 2422.
daroð, st. m., dart, javelin, 2848.
dēad, adj., dead, 467, etc.
dēagan, st. v., dye; pret. dēað-fǣge dēog, “the doomed one dyed [the mere],” 850.
dēah, see dugan.
deall, adj., proud, 494.
dear, dearst, see durran.
dēað, st. m., death, 441, 2269, 2843, etc.
dēað-bedd, st. neut., death-bed, 2901.
dēað-cwalu, st. f., [death-quelling] violent death, murder, 1712.
dēað-cwealm, st. m., [death-quelling] violent death, slaughter, 1670.
dēað-dæg, st. m., death-day, 187, 885.
dēað-fǣge, adj., [death-fey] doomed to death, 850.
dēað-scūa, w. m., death-shadow, deadly sprite, 160.
dēað-werig, adj., death-weary, dead, 2125.