Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/195

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eges-līc, adj., terrible, 1649, etc.
egl, adj., [ail = a spike or awn of barley] claw, 987.
egsa, see egesa.
egsian, w. v., cause terror, affright; pret. egsode eorl, “the earl caused terror,” 6.
ēg-strēam, st. m., water-stream, ocean current, 577.
ēhtan, w. v., with gen., pursue, 159, 1512.
ehtigað, see eahtian.
elde, see ylde.
eldo, see yldo.
el-land, st. neut., alien land, strange land, 3019.
ellen, st. m. neut., strength, courage, bravery, 573, 893, 2706, etc.; dat. sg. elne, sometimes best rendered by an adv., “courageously,” 2676; sometimes with strictly adverbial force, “quickly,” 1967, “absolutely,” 1097, “altogether,” 1129.
ellen-dǣd, st. f., [strength-deed] deed of strength or courage, 876, 900.
ellen-gǣst, st. m., [strength-ghost] powerful sprite, 86.
ellen-līce, adv., mightily, courageously, 2122.
ellen-mǣrðu, st. f., [might-greatness] fame for strength or courage, feat of strength, 824, 1471.
ellen-rōf, adj., courage-strong, famed for strength or courage, 340, 1787, etc.
ellen-sīoc, adj., [strength-sick] strengthless, 2787.
ellen-weorc, st. neut., strength-work, deed of might or courage, 661, etc.
elles, adv., else, otherwise, 138, etc.
ellor, adv., elsewhither, 55, etc.
ellor-gāst, ellor-gǣst, st. m., [elsewhither-ghost] sprite living elsewhere, alien sprite, 807, 1349, 1617, 1621.
ellor-sīð, st. m., journey elsewhither, death, 2451.
elne, see ellen.
elra, adj. (compar. of *ele), another, 752.
el-þēodig, adj., of alien nation, foreign, 336.
ende, st. m., end, 822, 1734, etc.; acc. hæfde eorð-scrafa ende genyttod, “had had the last of his earth-caves,” 3046; dat. eorlum on ende, “to the earls at the end (of the high table?, i.e. the noblest),” 2021.
ende-dæg, st. m., end-day, day of death, 637, etc.
ende-dōgor, st. m., end-day, day of death, 2896.
ende-lāf, st. f., [end-leaving] last remnant, 2813.
ende-lēan, st. neut., end-reward, final reward, 1692.
ende-sǣta, w. m., [end-sitter] coast-guard, 241.
ende-stæf, st. m., [end-staff] end; acc. on ende-stæf, “towards, in, the end,” 1753.
endian, w. v.
ge-endian, w. v., end; pp. geendod, 2311.
enge, adj., narrow, 1410.
ent, st. m., giant, 1679, etc.
entisc, adj., gigantic, 2979.
ēode, ēodon, see gān.
eodor, st. m.

(1) fence, barrier; acc. pl. under eoderas, “under the barriers, into the house,” 1037,

(2) protector, lord, prince, 428, etc.; nom. eodur, 663.
eofer, eofor, st. m., boar, figure of a boar upon a helmet, 1112, 1328; acc. eafor, 2152.
eofer-sprēot, st. m., boar-spear, 1437.
eofor-līc, st. neut., boar-likeness, figure of a boar upon a helmet; pl. 303.
eofoð, see eafoð.
eolet, st. m. or neut., sea (?); gen. þā wæs sund liden eoletes æt ende, “then was the sound traversed at the far side of the sea,” 224.