Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/203

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fultum, st. m., help, aid, 698, 2662, etc.
fundian, w. v., hasten, intend, strive to go, 1137, 1819.
furðum, adv., first, 323, etc.; at first, formerly, 1707.
furður, adv., further, 254, etc,
fūs, adj., ready, eager, longing, 1241, 1475, etc.; hastening, inclined, 1966; nom. lēofra manna fūs, “longing for the dear men,” 1916.
fūs-līc, adj., ready, prepared, 1424, etc.; neut. pl. fūslicu, 232.
fȳf-tȳne, see fīf-tēne.
fyll, st. m., fall, 1544, 2912.
fyllan, w. v.
ā-fyllan, w. v., fill up, fill, 1018.
fyllan, w. v.
ge-fyllan, w. v., fell, 2655; pret. pl. gefyldan, 2706.
fyllo, st. f., fill, 562, 1333, etc.
fyl-wērig, adj., fall-weary, weary to the point of falling, 962.
fyr, see feor, adv.
fȳr, st. neut., fire, 185, etc.
fȳras, see fīras.
fȳr-bend, st. m. f., fire-band, 722.
fyrd-gestealla, w. m., army-comrade, 2873.
fyrd-hom, st. m., army-coat, coat of mail, 1504.
fyrd-hrægl, st. neut., [army-rail] armour, 1527.
fyrd-hwæt, adj., [army-active] war-like, brave; pl. fyrd-hwate, 1641, 2476.
fyrd-lēoð, st. neut., army-lay, war-song, 1424.
fȳr-draca, w. m., fire-drake, fire-dragon, 2689.
fyrd-searu, st. neut., [army-] armour, 2618; pl. 232.
fyrd-wyrðe, adj., [army-worthy] war-worthy, distinguished in war, 1316.
fyren, see firen.
fyrgen-bēam, st. m., [mountain-beam] mountain-tree, 1414.
fyrgen-holt, st. m., mountain-holt, mountain-wood, 1393.
fyrgen-strēam, firgen-strēam, st. m., mountain-stream, 1359, 2128.
fȳr-heard, adj., fire-hard, fire-hardened, 305.
fyrian, see ferian.
fȳr-lēoht, st. neut., firelight, 1516.
fyrmest, adv. superl. (of fore), fore-most, first, 2077.
fyrn-dagas, st. m. pl., former days, days of old, 1451.
fyrn-geweorc, st. neut., former work, ancient work, 2286.
fyrn-gewinn, st. neut., former strife, ancient strife, 1689.
fyrn-mann, st. m., former man, man of old, 2761.
fyrn-wita, w. m., former counsellor, old counsellor, 2123.
fyrst, st. m., time, space of time, 76, 545, etc.
fyrðran, w. v., further; pp. fræt-wum gefyrðred, “furthered by, fraught with, jewels,” 2784.
fyr-wet, -wyt, st. neut., curiosity, 232, etc.
fȳr-wylm, st. m., fire-welling, surge of fire, 2671.
fȳsan, w. v., make ready, prepare; pp. gefȳsed, 630, etc.; winde gefȳsed, “impelled by the wind,” 217. From fūs.


gād, st. neut., lack, 660, etc.
gædeling, st. m., relative, comrade, 2617, 2949.
gæst, see gist.
gǣst, see gāst.
gǣðs, see gān.
galan, st. v., sing, sound, 786, 1432; pres. sg., gæleð, 2460.
ā-galan, st. v., sing, ring; pret. āgōl, 1521.
galdor, see gealdor.
galga, w. m., gallows, 2446.
galg-mōd, adj., [sad-mood] sad in mind, gloomy, 1277.
galg-trēow, st. neut., gallows-tree, 2490.
