Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/222

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langað, st. f., longing, 1879.
lange, see longe.
lār, st. f., lore, instruction, guidance, 1950; gen. pl. lāra, 1220, lārena, 269.
lāst, st. m., track, trace, 132, etc.
on lāst, with preceding dat., in the tracks of, behind, 2945.
lāð, adj., [loth] loathly, loath-some, loathed, hateful, hated, hostile, 134, 511, 2315, 2467, etc.; dat. pl. lāðan, 1505. Often used absolutely, foe, loathed foe, 550, 841, 1061; gen. pl. 242; weak, se lāða, 2305; lāð wið lāþum, “foe with foe,” 440; æfter lāðum, “after the loathed foe,” 1257; neut. fela ic lāðes gebād, “much hostility or evil I endured,” 929.
lāðra, compar., more loathly, more hateful, 2432.
lāð-bite, st. m., foe-bite, wound, 1122.
lāð-getēona, w. m., evil-doer, monster, 559, 974.
lāð-līc, adj., loathly, 1584.
lēaf, st. neut., leaf, 97.
lēafnes-word, st. neut., leave-word, permission, pass-word?, 245.
-lēah, see -lēogan.
lēan, st. neut., reward, 114, 951, 1021, 2145, etc.
lēan, st. v., w. acc., blame; pres. sg. 3rd lȳhð, 1048; pret. lōg, 203, etc.
be-lēan, st. v., with acc. rei and dat. pers., dissuade from, prohibit, 511.
lēanian, w. v., with acc. rei and dat. pers., pay for, repay, reward for, 1380, 2102.
lēas, adj., [-less]:

(1) with gen., lacking, deprived of, 850, 1664.

(2) false, 253.
lecgan, w. v.
ā-lecgan, w. v., lay, lay down, lay aside, 34, 3020, etc.
lēg, see līg.
leger, st. neut., [lair] lying, 3043.
-lēh, see lēogan.
lemian, w. v., lame, trouble; pret. sg. with pl. nom., lemede, 905.
leng, see longe.
lenge, adj., long, 83.
lengest, see longe.
lengra, see long.
lēod, st. m., prince, chief, 341, etc.
lēod, st. f., people, nation, 596, 599, etc.; pl. lēoda, 3001. See lēode.
lēod-bealo, st. neut., [nation-bale] national evil, 1722; gen. pl. -bealewa, 1946.
lēod-burg, st. f., [nation-burgh] chief city; acc. pl. -byrig, 2471.
lēod-cyning, st. m., nation-king, king of a people, 54.
lēode, st. m. pl., people, 24, 362, etc. See lēod, st. f.
lēod-fruma, w. m., nation-chief, prince of a people, 2130.
lēod-gebyrgea, w. m., protector of a people, 269.
lēod-hryre, st. m., fall of a prince or people, 2030, 2391.
lēod-sceaða, w. m., scather of a people, national foe,, 2093.
lēod-scipe, st. m., [people-ship] nation, 2197, 2751.
lēof, adj., lief, dear, 31, etc.
leofað, see libban.
lēof-līc, adj., dear, beloved, precious, 2603, 1809.
lēogan, st. v., lie, belie, 250, 3029.
ā-lēogan, st. v., with acc. rei, bclie, falsify; pret. ālēh, 80. ge-lēogan, st. v., with dat. pers., deceive ; pret. gelēah, 2323.
lēoht, st. neut., light, brilliance, 569, 727, etc.
lēoht, adj., light, bright, flashing, 2492.
lēoma, w. m., gleam, ray, 311, 1570, etc.
leomum, see līm.
lēon, st. v., lend; pret. lāh, 1456.
on-lēon, st. v., with gen. rei and dat. pers., lend; pret. onlāh, 1467.
leornian, w. v., learn, devise, 2336.