Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/259

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for-weorpan, st. v., throw-away; pret. subj. forwurpe, 2872. ofer-weorpan, st. v., stumble, 1543.
weorð, st. neut., worth, price, pay, 2496.
weorð, adj., worthy, honoured, dear; nom. sg. m. weorð Denum æþeling, “the atheling dear to the Danes,” 1814.
weorþra, compar., worthier, 1902.
weorðan, st. v., become, be, befall, happen, come, 2526, 414, 2731, etc.; inf. wurðan, 807; pres. pl. wurðað, 282; pret. sg. hē on fylle wearð, “he fell,” 1544; pp. geworden, “happened, arisen,” 1304, 3078. Often with predicative dat. governed by tō, and dat. pers.: ðū scealt tō frōfre weorðan…lēodum þīnum, hæleðum tō helpe, “thou shalt be for a comfort to thy people, a help to the heroes,” 1707; so also 460, 587, etc.
ge-weorðan, st. v.:

(1) intrans., become, be, happen, 3061.
(2) trans., agree about, settle; inf. þæt ðū…lēte Sūð-Dene sylfe geweorðan gūðe wið Grendel, “that thou wouldst let the South Danes themselves settle their war with Grendel,” 1996.

(3) impers., with gen., and following clause in apposition, appear, seem, seem good; pret. þā ðæs monige gewearð, þæt, “then it appeared to many that,” 1598; pp. hafað þæs geworden wine Scyldinga…þæt, “this had seemed good to the friend of the Scyldings, that,” 2026.
weorð-full, adj.
weorð-fullost, superl., [worth-fullest], worthiest, 3099.
weorðian, w. v., worthy (“Lear” ii. 2. 128), honour, adorn, 2096, 1090, etc.; pp. geweorðod, 2175; geweorðad, 250, 1450, 1959; gewurðad, 331, 1038, 1645; weorðad, 1783.
weorð-līce, adv.
weorð-līcost, superl., most worthily, 3161.
weorð-mynd, st. f., worship, honour, glory, 8, 65, 1559, etc.; dat. pl. tō worð-myndum, “for honour, for honour’s sake,” 1186.
weotena, see wita.
weotian, w. v., prepare, etc.: pp. acc. pl. wælbende weotode, “death-bands prepared, appointed, destined,” 1936.
be-weotian, be-witian, w. v., observe, etc.: pres. pl. þā, ðe syngales sēle bewitiað, “those [weathers, days] which continually observe the season,” 1135; bewitigað sorhfulne sīð, “make a journey full of woe,” 1428; pret. sg. ealle beweotede þegnes þearfe, “attended to all the thane’s needs,” 1796; hord beweotode, “watched over a hoard,” 2212.
wer, st. m., man, 105, 1352, 216, 1256, etc.; gen. pl. wera, 120, etc.; weora, 2947.
wered, st. neut., beer, mead, 496.
werede, etc., see werod.
were-fyhte, w. f., defensive fight, fight in defence, 457.
werga (weak form of werig), adj., cursed; gen. sg. wergan gāstes, 133 (Grendel), 1747 (the devil).
wērge, etc., see wērig.
wergend, st. m. (pres. part. of werian), defender, 2882.
wērgian, w. v., weary; pp. gewergad, 2852.
werhðo, st. f., curse, damnation; acc. sg. werhðo, 589.
werian, w. v., guard, defend, protect, 453, 1327, etc.; reflex., 541; pp. nom. pl. 238, 2529.
be-werian, w. v., defend; pret. subj. beweredon, 938.
wērig, adj., with gen. or dat., weary, 579; dat. sg. wērgum, 1794; acc. f. sg. or pl. wērge, 2937.