Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/42

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ond gē him syndonofer sǣ-wylmas,
heard-hicgende,hider wil-cuman.
395Nū gē mōton ganganin ēowrum gūð-geatawum,[1]
under here-grīman,Hrōðgār gesēon;
lǣtað hilde-bordhēr onbīdan,
wudu, wæl-sceaftas,worda geþinges.”
Ārās þā se rīca,ymb hine rinc manig,
400þrȳðlīc þegna hēap;sume þǣr bidon,
heaðo-rēaf hēoldon,swā him se *hearda bebēad.Fol. 139a.
Snyredon ætsomne,þā secg wīsode,
under Heorotes hrōf;[hyge-rōf ēode,][2]
heard under helme,þæt hē on hēoðe[3] gestōd.
405Bēowulf maðelode(on him byrne scān,
searo-net sēowedsmiþes or-þancum):
“Wæs[4] þū, Hrōðgār, hāl!Ic eom Higelāces
mǣg ond mago-ðegn;hæbbe ic mǣrða fela
ongunnen on geogoþe.Mē wearð Grendles þing
410on mīnre ēþel-tyrfundyrne cūð;
secgað sǣ-līðend,þæt þes[5] sele stande,
reced sēlesta,rinca gehwylcum
īdel ond unnyt,siððan ǣfen-lēoht
under heofenes hador[6]beholen weorþeð.
415Þā mē þæt gelǣrdonlēode mīne,

  1. 395. Ettmüller ‘gūð-getāwum’; cf. l. 2636, 368. See also Sievers § 43, N. 4, and § 260, N.
  2. 403. No gap in MS.; Grein’s emendation adopted.
  3. 404. Thorpe ‘heo[r]ðe.’
  4. 407. Editors substitute W.S. wes for North, wæs.
  5. 411. MS ‘þæs.’
  6. 414. Heyne and Socin ‘haðor.’ The length of the a is uncertain. Hādor would mean ‘brightness, serenity.’ Grein’s Glossary has: “heaðor, heador, hador (oder ā, ēa?) n. receptaculum; dat. hafað mec on headre Rä. 66³.”