Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/44

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etan unforhte,swa hē *oft dyde Fol. 140a.
445mægen Hrēð-manna.Nā þū mīnne þearft
hafalan hȳclan,ac hē me habban wile
d[r]ēore fāhne,gif mec dēað nimeð;
byreð blōdig wæl,byrgean þenceð,
eteð ān-gengaunmurnlīce,
450mearcað mōr-hopu;nō ðū ymb mīnes ne þearft
līces feormeleng sorgian.
Onsend Higelāce,gif mec hild nime,
beadu-scrūda betst,þæt mīne brēost wereð,
hrægla sēlest;þæt is Hrædlan[1] lāf,
455Wēlandes geweorc.Gǣð ā wyrd swā hīo scel.”


Hrōðgār maþelode,helm Scyldinga:
“F[or w]ere-fyhtum[2] þū,wine mīn Bēowulf,
ond for ār-stafumūsic sōhtest.
Geslōh þin fæderfǣhðe mǣste,
460wearþ hē Heaþolāfetō hand-bonan
mid Wilfingum;ðā hine Wedera[3] cyn
for here-brōganhabban ne mihte.
Þanon hē gesōhteSūð-Dena folc
ofer ȳða gewealc,Ār-*Scyldinga;Fol. 140b.
465ðā ic furþum wēoldfolce Deniga,[4]
ond on geogoðe hēoldgimme-rīce

  1. 454. Ettmüller ‘Hrēðlan,’ gen. of Hrēðla = Hrēðel, Beowulf’s maternal grandfather; adopted by Heyne and Earle.
  2. 457. MS. ‘fere fyhtum.’ The reading in the text was suggested by Grundtvig.
  3. 461. MS. ‘gara’; Grundtvig ‘Wedera.’ See ll. 225, 423, &c.
  4. 465. MS. ‘deninga.’ See ll. 155, 271, &c.