Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/57

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þā wæs wundor micel,þæt se wīn-sele
wiðhæfde heaþo-dēorum,þæt hē on hrūsan ne fēol,
fæger fold-bold;ac hē þæs fæste wæs
innan ond ūtanīren-bendum
775searo-þoncum besmiþod.Þær fram sylle ābēag
medu-benc monig,mīne gefrǣge,
golde geregnad,þǣr þā graman wunnon;
þæs ne wēndon ǣrwitan Scyldinga,
þæt hit ā mid gemetemanna ǣnig,
780betlīc[1] ond bān-fāg,tōbrecan meahte,
listum tōlūcan,nymþe līges fæþm
swulge on swaþule.Swēg *ūp āstāgFol. 147a.
nīwe geneahhe;Norð-Denum stōd
atelīc egesa,ānra gehwylcum,
785 þāra þe of weallewōp gehȳrdon,
gryre-lēoð galangodes ondsacan,
sige-lēasne sang,sār wānigean
helle hæfton.[2]Hēold hine fæste,[3]
sē þe manna wæsmægene strengest
790on þǣem dægeþysses līfes.


Nolde eorla hlēoǣnige þinga
þone cwealm-cumancwicne forlǣtan,
ne his līf-dagaslēoda ǣnigum

  1. 780. MS. ‘hetlic’; Grundtvig ‘betlīc’ Cf. l. 1925.
  2. 788. Zupitza and others ‘helle-hæfton,’ but nothing is gained by making them a compound. For -an of the weak declension, -on is not uncommon.
  3. Almost all editors insert ‘tō’ before ‘fæste.’