Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/61

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875þæt hē fram Sigemunde[s][1]secgan hȳrde
ellen-dǣdum,imcūþes fela,
Wælsinges gewin,wīde sīðas,
þāra þe gumena bearngearwe ne wiston,
fǣhðe ond fyrena,būton Fitela mid hine,
880þonne hē swulces[2] hwætsecgan wolde
ēam his nefan,swā hie ā wǣron
æt nīða gehwāmnȳd-gesteallan;
hæfdon eal-felaeotena cynnes
sweordum gesǣged.Sigemunde gesprong
885æfter dēað-dægedōm unlȳtel,
syþðan wīges heardwyrm ācwealde,
hordes hyrde;hē under hārne stān,
æþelinges bearn,āna genēðde
frēcne dǣde;ne wæs him Fitela mid;
890hwæþre him gesǣlde,ðæt þæt swurd þurhwōd
wrætlīcne wyrm,þæt hit on wealle ætstōd,
dryhtlīc īren;draca morðre swealt.
Hæfde āglǣcaelne gegongen,
þæt hē bēah-hordesbrūcan mōste
895selfes dōme;*sǣ-bāt gehlēod,[3]Fol. 149b.
bær on bearm scipesbeorhte frætwa
Wælses eafera;wyrm hāt[4] gemealt.
Sē wæs wreccenawīde mǣrost
ofer wer-þēode,wīgendra hlēo,
900ellen-dǣdum;hē þæs ǣr onðāh.[5]

  1. 875. MS. ‘Sigemunde.’ Grein’s emendation ‘Sigemundes’ is good in itself, and is the more probable in that the next word begins with s.
  2. 880. Heyne normalises to ‘swylces.’
  3. 895. Many editors normalise to ‘gehlōd.’ Sievers § 392, N. 3.
  4. 875. Earle adopts Scherer’s emendation ‘hāt[e],’ with heat.
  5. 900. Cosijn’s emendation ‘āron ðah,’ with honours throve, is adopted by Heyne and by Earle. For āron = ārum cf. scypon l. 1154, and hēaf-