Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/71

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ðēoden-lēase,þā him swā geþearfod wæs.
Gyf þonne Frȳsna hwylcfrecnan sprǣce[1]
1105ðæs morþor-hetesmyndgiend wǣre,
þonne hit sweordes ecgsyððan scolde.
Āð wæs geæfned,ond icge gold
āhæfen of horde.Here-Scyldinga
betst beado-rincawæs on bǣl gearu:
1110æt þǣm āde wæsēþ-gesȳne
swāt-fāh syrce,swȳn eal-gylden,
eofer īren-heard,æþeling manig
wundum āwyrded;sume on wæle crungon.
Hēt ðā Hildeburhæt Hnæfes āde
1115hire selfre sunusweoloðe befæstan,
bān-fatu bærnanond on bǣl dōn;
earme on eaxleides gnornode,
gēomrode giddum.Gūð-rinc[2] āstāh.
Wand *tō wolcnumwæl-fȳra mǣst,Fol. 154b.
1120hlynode for hlāwe;hafelan multon,
ben-geato burston;ðonne blōd ætspranc
lāð-bite līces.Līg ealle forswealg,
gǣsta gīfrost,þāra ðe þǣr gūð fornam
bēga folces;wæs hira blǣd scacen.


1125Gewiton him ðā wīgendwīca nēosian
frēondum befeallen,Frȳsland gesēon,

  1. 1104. Zupitza’s transliteration ‘frecnen spræce’; Wülcker ‘frecnenspræce.’
  2. 1118. Grundtvig ‘gūð-rēc’ (but he read ruic for rinc in the MS.). Skeat supports this reading by l. 3144, and Elene 795: “rēc āstīgan,” and compares gūð-rēc with the compound wæl-fȳr in the next line.