Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/99

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Gā nū tō setle,  symbel-wynne drēoh,
wigge weorþad;[1]  unc sceal worn fela
māþma gemǣnra,  siþðan morgen bið.”
1785Gēat wæs glæd-mōd,  gēong sōna tō,
setles nēosan,  swā se snottra heht.
Þā wæs eft swā ǣt  ellen-rōfum
flet-sittendum  fægere gereorded
nīowan stefne.  Niht-helm geswearc
1790deorc ofer dryht-gumum.  Duguð eal ārās;
wolde blonden-feax  beddes nēosan,
gamela Scylding.  Gēat ungemetes[2] wel,
rōfne rand-wigan,  restan lyste;
sōna him sele-þegn  sīðes wērgum,
1795feorran-cundum,  forð wīsade,
sē for andrysnum  ealle beweotecde[3]
þegnes þearfe,  swylce þȳ dōgore
hēaþo-līðende  habban scoldon.
Reste hine þā rūm-heort;  reced hlīuade[4]
1800gēap ond gold-fāh;  gæst inne swæf,
oþ þæt hrefn blaca  heofones wynne
blīð-heort bodode;  *ðā cōm beorht scacanFol. 169b.
[sunne ofer grundas].[5]  Scaþan onetton,

  1. 1783. Wülcker ‘wīg-geweorþad’; Heyne (following Cosijn, who compares “Elene” 150) ‘wigge-[ge]weorþad.’ I have followed the MS., for which cf. “Elene” 1196.
  2. 1792. MS. unig/metes.
  3. 1796. MS. ‘beweotene.’
  4. 1799. Heyne ‘hlīvade’; other editors ‘hlīfade.’ Sievers § 194.
  5. 1803. No gap in MS. Wülcker has:

    ðā cōm beorht [lēoma]
    scacan [ofer scadu].


    ðā cōm beorht [sunne]
    scacan [ofer grundas].

    There is the same objection to both these emendations, that they sup-