Page:Berejiklian v Independent Commission Against Corruption.pdf/1

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Court of Appeal
Supreme Court

New South Wales

Medium Neutral Citation: Berejiklian v Independent Commission Against Corruption [2024] NSWCA 177
Hearing dates: 26–27 February 2024
Date of orders: 26 July 2024
Decision date: 26 July 2024
Before: Bell CJ and Meagher JA at [1];
Ward P at [311]
Decision: Amended Summons dismissed with costs.
Catchwords: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW — judicial review of "serious corrupt conduct" findings made by Independent Commission Against Corruption against former Premier — where Commission's report adopted findings of credibility made by person who presided at public inquiries — where the appointment of the person who presided at public inquiries as an Assistant Commissioner expired after conclusion of those public inquiries and that person appointed as a consultant and accordingly officer of Commission prior to report being finalised — whether assistance of presiding officer as consultant in preparation of report outside limits of her authority — whether Commission could adopt credibility assessments made by presiding officer after her appointment as Assistant Commissioner had expired

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW — judicial review of "serious corrupt conduct" findings made by Independent Commission Against Corruption against former Premier — whether "no evidence" to support finding applicant influenced by her private interest in maintaining close personal relationship — whether non-pecuniary personal relationship capable of being "private interest" giving rise to conflict of interest and public duty — whether applicant as parliamentarian and Minister of the Crown had legally enforceable positive duty to act only according to what she