Page:Bergson - Matter and Memory (1911).djvu/356

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provides for the exercise of choice, 5; receives and gives back movement, 5; structure of, 3; the living, its unique place, 1.

Bradley, 120 note.
Brain, and memory, relation between, 119; an instrument of analysis and of choice, 20; a telephonic exchange, 19; cannot beget representation, 81; concerned with motor reaction, 8; functions of the, 18; injuries to the, effect of, 231; lesions affect movements, not recollections, 88; lesions affect nascent or possible action, 120; lesions and recognition, attentive and inattentive, 132; lesions and the motor diagram, 143; not concerned with conscious perception, 8.
Broadbent, 101 note, 156.
Brochard, 106 note.

Centre of representation, the body, 64.
Centres, of force, 265; of perception, 160; of verbal images, problematic, 159.
Cerebral, localization, 131; mechanism, conditions memories, does not ensure their survival, 84; mechanism, links the past with action, 88; vibrations, cannot create images, 10; vibrations, contained in the material world, 10.
Change, and permanence, 260.
Character, a synthesis of past states, 188.
Charcot, 109, 143, 156.
Chemistry, studies bodies rather than matter, 263.
Clerk-Maxwell, 263 note.
Colours, and rhythm of movement, 268.
Common sense, and matter, x; and object, viii.
Conceptualism and nominalism, criticism of, 202.
Consciousness, actual, deals with useful, rejects the superfluous, 188; and matter, 276 ff.; and the inner history of things, 276; chief office of, 182; different planes of, 318 ff.; double movement in, 216; illusion in regard to, 182; its office in perception, 69; its part in affection, 2; not the synonym of existence, 181; of another tension than ours, 275; orientation of, towards action, 233; rhythm of, 272; the fringe of, 97; the note of the present, 181.
Conscious perception, a discernment, 31; is our power of choice, 26; materialist's view of, 11.
Contiguity and similarity, associations of, 212 ff.
Continuity, universal, and science, 260.
Cowles, 228 note.

Dawn, of human experience, 241.
Deafness, and blindness, psychic, 132; and blindness, word, 132; psychic, does not hinder hearing, 161; word, two kinds of, 133; word, with retention of acoustic memory, 142.
Descartes, and Berkeley, ix; and the laws of motion, 255.
Diagram, the motor, and brain lesions, 143.
Diagrams, of sensory aphasia, 156.
Dichotomy, The, of Zeno, 251.
Direction, sense of, 115.
Dissociation, is primary, 215.
Dodds, 111 note.
Dogmatism and empiricism, ignore duration, 242.
Drawing, methods of, 116.
Dream, plane of, 129, 218; power of, 94.
Dreamer, the, 198.
Dreams, memory in, 200.
Drugs, toxic, effect of, 228.
Dualism, ordinary, 293 ff.; transcended, 236.
Dunan, 286 note.
Duration, 243; our own, and quality, 271; tension of, determines the measure of liberty, 279; tensions of 275.
Duval, 200 note.
Dynamists and mechanists, xvi.
Dyslexie, 101 note.

Ear, the mental, 166.
Egger, 200 note.
Eleatics, paradoxes of, 253.
Empiricism and dogmatism, 239; ignore duration, 242.
Epiphenomenalism, x.
Epiphenomenon, and recollection, 104.
Equilibrium, intellectual, how upset, 225.
Existence, capital problem of, 189; conditions implied in, 189; implies conscious apprehension and regular connexion, 190; outside of consciousness, 183; real though unperceived, in time and in space, 185.
Exner, and empty time, 272.
Experience, human, dawn of, 241; the true starting-point, 312.
Extended, the, and the inextended, 325.