Page:Bergson - Matter and Memory (1911).djvu/360

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matter, discontinuous, 47; of things, of utilitarian origin, 206, primary, a discernment of the useful, 206; pure, 26, 64; pure, an intuition of reality, 84; pure, a system of nascent acts, 74; pure, its reference to matter, 77; pure, lowest degree of mind, 297; pure, theory of, 69; reflective, is a circuit, 126; subjectivity of, 75; varies with cerebral vibrations, 12.

Perceptive fibres, centrifugal, 125.
Permanence and change, 260.
Personality, dilatation of, xiv; diseases of, 229; division of, 229; present undivided in perception, 215.
Philosophy, the method of, 239.
Photography, mental, and subconsciousness, 101.
Phrases and words, 148.
Physical and mental, the, not mere duplicates, 300.
Physical exercise, how learnt, 136.
Pillon, 105 note, 107 note.
Place, diversity of, not absolute, 256; every, relative, 256.
Plane, of action, 217; of dream, 218.
Presence and representation, 27.
Present, at once sensation and movement, 177; definition of, 193; ideal, 176; ideo-motor, 74; is consciousness of the body, 177; is sensori-motor, 177; materiality of our life, 177; real, 176; that which is acting, 74; unique for each moment, 177.
Present moment, how constituted, 178.
Progress of the idea, 154.
Psychasthenic disease, how explained, xv.
Psychic blindness, 108, 111; and deafness, 132; as a disturbance of motor habits, 115; does not hinder seeing, 161; two kinds of, 115.
Psychic life, the normal, 219; fundamental law of, 233.
Psychical states, wider than cerebral states, xiii; have a practical end, 320; unconscious, 181.
Psychology and metaphysics, relation of, xv.
Pupin, 200 note.
Pure memory and the memory-image, 170.

Qualities, in consciousness, and movements in space, 267; of different orders, share in extensity, 282.
Quality, and our own duration, 271; and quantity, 235, 325; sensible, and space, 282; suggests something other than sensation, 271.
Quantity and quality, 235, 325.

Rabier, 106 note.
Ravaisson, 232 note.
Reaction, immediate and delayed, 22.
Reading, a work of divination, 126; mechanism of, 125.
Realism, atomistic, 283; Kantian, 307; makes perception an accident, 16; ordinary, 287.
Realism and idealism, viii, 12, 73; their common postulate, 283.
Realist, the, starts from the universe, 14.
Realists and idealists, xvi; views of universe, 53.
Reality, every, has a relation with consciousness, 304; what it consists in for us, 189.
Recognition, and attention, 119; animal, 93; attentive, 118; attentive, a circuit, 145; automatic, 118; basis of, a motor phenomenon, 110; bodily, 109; by memory-images, 118; commonly acted before it is thought, 113; diseases of, 115; erroneous theories of, 107; essential process of, not centripetal but centrifugal, 168; how constituted, 87; in general, 105; intellectual, 145; of images, 86; of words, 133; process of, 316.
Recollection, spontaneous, perfect from the outset, 95.
Recollections, disappearance of, 149.
'Region of images,' 165.
Relativity of knowledge, 241.
Repetition, addressed to the intelligence of the body, 137.
Representation, at first impersonal, 43; image and thing, vii; less than existence, 27; measure of possible action, 30; of the universe, 4; of things, reflected by freedom, 29; unconscious, 183; use of word, 3 note.
Resemblance, 202; and difference, 209.
Rhythm, of our consciousness, 272.
Ribot, 111, 121, 161, 200 note; his law, 150.
Rieger, 149 note.
Robertson, 99 note.
Romberg, 141.
Rouillard, 201 note.

Schumann, 100 note.
Schwartz, 51 note.
Science, and consciousness, 12; and universal continuity, 260.