Page:Berkshire lady, or, Batchelors of every statioh (sic).pdf/4

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For I will a challenge ſend him
And appoint where I'l attend him,
In a grove without delay
By the dawning of the day.
He will not the le(illegible text) diſcover,
That I am his virgin lover:
By the challenge that I ſend,
But for juſtice I'll contend
He hath caused ſad diſtraction;
and I am for ſatisfaction
Which if he denies to give.
One of us shall ceaſe to live.
Having thus her mind reveal'd;
She a letter clos'd and seal'd;
Now when it came to his hand,
The young man was at a ſtand.
In this lett'r ſhe conjur'd him
For to meet and well aſſur'd him,
Recompenſe he muſt afford.
Or diſpute it with the ſword
Having read this ſrange relation,
He was in a conſternation!
Then adviſing with a friend,
He perſuades him to attend.
Be of courage and make ready,
A faint heart ne'er won fair Lady,
I along with you I will go,
In regard it muſt be ſo.


EARL on a ſummer's morning,
When bright Ph(illegible text) was (illegible text)
Ev'ry bower with his beams,

The fair Lady came it ſeems.