Page:Beside the Fire - Douglas Hyde.djvu/264

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Fairies turn into flying beetles, 89.
Fairy help to mortal withdrawn, 142.
Fairy dwelling filled with smoke and lightning, 143; hill opens, 87.
Fairy horses unspelled, 115. host, noise of, 105; takes horse, 106. king and queen, 87. hurling match, 87.
Fairy spits fire, and frightens Pope, 110.
Father, cruel, cuts hands and feet off daughter, 168. punished, and healed by daughter, 169.
Fearless hero, 156, et seq., sleeps with corpse, 158.
Feather supporting house, 131.
Finn's mother a fawn, 17.
Flea killed by valiant tailor, 2.
Football players in haunted house, 158.
Fox, hiding-place for, 5.

Geasa run, 21.
Ghost denouncing murderer, 159.
Ghost laying by fortune distributing, 159.
Giants, two, crushed by stone, 9, et seq.
Giant outwitted by lying reports, 29.
Giant slits himself up, 11.
Goblin, headless, in cellar, 81, 157. drinks and plays music with hero, 83; bagpipes for fairies, 85.
Grateful dead, 21, 23, 153. beggar, 156; robin, 165.
Guarding monsters, 134.

Hags, enchanted, turn vultures, 163. condemned for father's crime, 164. turned into swans at end of enchantment period, 166.
Hag turned into weasel, 79. welcoming, sister to hero's nurse, 131.
Hair turns into ladder, 140.
Hare magic, 162.
Haunted house, 81.
Healing well, 129.
Helping servant, 148. saves ungrateful master, 157.
Herb for blood-stopping, 149.
Herb of healing, 165.
Hero, grown rich, visits home, 161. joins fairy host, 106.
Heroine and attendant maidens made pregnant in their sleep, 135. seeks father of children, 139. recovers magic gifts abandoned by hero, 139, et seq. tests false claimants, 140. full up of serpents banished by first embraces, 45. under spells, 37.
Horse, swift as lightning, 132. talking, 2. hiding-place for, 3.
Husband, not to re-marry till grass be foot high on dead wife's grave, 167.

Incurable sore foot, 129.
Inexhaustible milk-can (fairy gift), 142. water and bread, 134. purse, 91.

Kiss, first, from heroine, claimed by helping servant, 45.

Lion, ploughing, 7; guarding, 134.

Magic gifts abandoned by hero, 139.
Mary's shamrock (? four-leaved), 142.
Murderer revealed by ghost, 160.
Mutilated (hands and feet) heroine married, 168; restored after birth of triplets, 168.