Page:Bessy Bell & Mary Gray.pdf/4

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Syne pledg‘d his cog, the chorus rang,
Auld Scotia and her sons are free.
Blythe, blythe, &c.

Thus cracks, and jokes, and sangs gaed roun',
Till morn the screens of light did draw,
Yet driech to rise, the carls roun',
Cry‘d Deuch-an-dherus, then awa ‘
Blythe, blythe, &c.

The landlord then the nappy brings,
Toasts how happy a‘ may be,
Syne tooms the cog, the chorus rings,
Auld Scotia's sons shall ay be free.
Blythe, blythe, &c.

Then like our dads o’ auld langsyne,
Let social glee unite us a',
Ay blythe to meet, our mou's to weet,
But ay as sweer't to gang awa
Blythe, blythe, &c.


She took me in, she set me down,
She hecht to keep me lawin free
But wylie Catlin that she was,
She gart me birl my bawbee.