Page:Best-match, or, The incomparable marriage between the Creator & the creature.pdf/23

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twixt Chriſt and you? Try then by the immediate

1. Did you ſee the King in his beauty, and ſuch
a glory and excellency in him as could not be paral-
elled by all the glory of ten thouſand worlds?

2. What was your eonverſe with him on the
contract-day? Can you ſay. He embraced me in his
arms, and I embraced him in my heart, and there
was ſweet communion and fellowſhip betwixt him
and me?

3. Waſt thou crowned on the marriage-day, ſo
as thou waſt known by others, as it were, to be the
bride of Chriſt? The Jews not only crowned the
Bridegroom, but the bride alſo. You ſee what
the crown is that Chriſt’s bride ſhould have, Rev.
xii. 1. “There appeared a great wonder in heaven!
a woman clothed with the ſun, and the moon under
her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve ſtars.”
to the bride of Chriſt is crowned with the doctrice
of the twelve apoſtle.

4. The bride of Chriſt keeps at home, and de-
lights in the bride-chamber. This is her delight
all the days of her life, “To dwell in the houſe of
the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” Ordi-
nances will be ſweet, being the galleries wherein
the King is held.

Laſtly, and to conclude, Try by the qualities of
the bride, that are alſo conſequents of the marriage.

1. If you be Chriſt's bride, then you will love
the bridegroom. Love is what every wife owes to
her huſband; much more doth the believer owe it
to Chriſt, who hath expreſſed far more love to his
bride than ever a huſband did to a wife; ‘He loved
her, and gave himſelf for her.” He ſhed the hotteſt
blood of his heart to ſave and redeem her. You
will love him with a love of deſire : ‘With my ſoul
have I deſired thee in the night:” with a love of
delight: “My meditation of him ſhall he ſweet: