Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/8

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I think it may not be improper to mention in this Place; that by reason of the late Discoveries and Improvements in Chymistry and other Branches of Medicine, the ancient Dispensatories, and other Medical books, now in Use in this Country, are found to be very Erroneous: that they contain many things which have impeded the progress of the Healing Art; and for that reason have therefore been justly expunged, not only from the late European Pharmacopoeias, but the late Books written upon the Practice of Physic. Many Medicines that were once in high repute in the cure of Diseases, are now laid aside, and the Methods of Practice, within the last twenty years, have been greatly altered in the European Countries, as well as in some Places in America: this Alteration has contributed much towards drawing the Practice of Physic into a smaller compass, the making of the Cure of Diseases more easy and certain and of course of raising the Medical Art to a higher Degree of Perfection. Now, wherever these Ancient Books are used by those who instruct Students in the noble Art of Medicine, both the Masters and the Pupils are led directly into Error; and when they have imbibed erroneous Opinions concerning the Administration, operation and Effects of Medicine upon the Human Body, they frequently augment, instead of alleviating the Distresses of their Fellow Mortals.

An Ignorant Physician is a dangerous Animal: