Page:Best Russian Short Stories.djvu/517

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Modern Library of the H/'orld's Best Books COMPLETE LIST OF TITLESIN ïHE MODERN LIBRARY For convenience in ordering use number af right of title ADAMS, HENRY AïKEN, CONRAD AIKEN, CONRAD ANDERSON, SHERWOOD ARISTOTLE BALZAC BEERBOHM, MAX BELLAMY, EDWARD BEMELMANS, LUDWIG BENNETT, ARNOLD BERGSON, HENRI BIERCE, AMBROSE BOCCACCIO BRONTË, CHARLOTTE BRONTE, EMILY BUCK, PEARL BURTON, RICHARD BUTLER, SAMUEL BUTLER, SAMUEL BYRNE, DONN CALDWELL, ERSKINE CANFIELD, DOROTHY CARROLL, LEWIS CASANOVA, JAC(UES CELLINI, BENVENUTO CERVANTES CHAUCER CHAUCER CONFUCIUS CONRAD, JOSEPH CONRAD, JOSEPH CONRAD, JOSEPH CORNEILLE and RACINE The Educatlon of Henry Adam, 76 " A Comprehensi;e Antlmlogy of American Verse Modern American Poetry xo 7 Winesburg, Ohio lO 4 Politics 228 Droll Stories I93 Zuleika D6fiSS Looking Biïckwa?d ŒEE My War with the United States I75 The Old Wives' Talëï8a, Creative Evolution x In the Midnt of Lire 133 The DëCtmein7 i " .Tane Eyre 64 Wu theringHèihts io6 .......... The Good Earth The Arabîan Nights Erewhon and Eîewhon Revisited The Way of Ail Flesh Messer Marco Polo 43 God's Little AcrèS The Deepening StrCm 'oe Atice in Wondërlaïàd, etc. 79 Memoirs of Casanova Autobiography 6fCëltlni o Don Quixote The Canterbury Tale Troilus and Cressida i:26 The Wisdom of Confucius 7 Heart of Darkness (In Great Modern Short Storles Lord ]'im 186 Victory 34 Six Plays of Corfië]]lë ana Riilfie i94 CORVO, FREDERICK BARON A History 0f he"B3gias"ï9ï .......