Page:Betty Alden.djvu/29

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enemy's dispatches" mused Standish, tugging at his russet beard and scowling heavily.

"To be sure it is," returned Bradford eagerly. "And although these men are not avowed enemies, we can see that they are not friends. Do but mark how thick they are with Billington, and Hicks, and all the other malcontents. Oldhame's house is a regular Cave of Adullam."

"Well, Will, tell me what I am to do or to say in the matter. You know that I am ready for any duty, however odious."

"I fain would have you go aboard the Charity with me to inspect her carriages."

"Is there any chance of a fight?"

"No, no. I shall not go aboard until the last moment, when all but Winslow have left."

"Winslow's errand home is to see the Adventurers?"

"As the colony's agent, yes."

"And he knows your intent?"

"Not yet. I have spoken of it to no man until I had your mind upon it, Standish. To-night I shall summon the Assistants to my house, and lay the matter before them, but I felt moved to speak of it first to you in private."

"Lest I should blaze out before them all, where you could not argue the matter coolly with me, eh?"

Bradford smiled as he knocked the ashes out of his pipe and rose to go.

"I could not do with your disapproval, old friend," said he.