Page:Betty Gordon at Boarding School.djvu/94

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"We have time. Oh, how do you do?"—this last was apparently jerked out of her.

"I didn't know you were coming to Shadyside, Bobby," said Ruth Gladys Royal effusively. "Do you know my chum, Ada Nansen? She's from San Francisco."

"Constance Howard is from the West, too—the Presidio," said Bobby.

Gracefully she introduced the others to Ada and Ruth who surveyed them indifferently. The Littell girls they knew were wealthy and had a place in Washington society, but the rest were not yet classified.

"Haven't I seen you before?" Ada languidly questioned Betty. "You're not the little waitress—Oh, how stupid of me! I was thinking of a girl who looked enough like you to be your sister."

Bobby bristled indignantly, but Betty struggled with laughter.

"I remember you," she said clearly. "You had the wrong seat on the train from Oklahoma."

Ada Nansen glanced at hef with positive dislike.

"I don't recall," she said icily. "However, I've traveled so much I daresay many incidents slip my mind. Well, Gladys, let's go in and get good seats. I want to hear Mrs. Eustlce; they say she is a direct descendant of Richard Carvel."

"We might as well go in, too," said Bobby dis-