Page:Between Two Loves.djvu/23

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she lingered to admire them, the front door opened, and an old lady called to her.

"Sarah Benson, I saw you coming. Walk in."

"Nay, but I was going round, Mrs, Allison. Is t' preacher in?"

"Yes, he is in. There is nothing wrong, I hope, Sarah?"

"Nay, I hope not. I want to tell him summat, that's all."

"Well, then, he is in his study. Go to him."

It was not quite so easy to tell the preacher her trouble as she had thought it would be. She hesitated so much that he said, "Sarah, you must be candid with me. I can't advise you upon half-lights. What is wrong with Steve?"

"He wont stick to his loom, sir, and he's that fond o' rambling about t' country-side that he might as well have no home at all, and I'm feared Master Burley will lose patience wi' him and turn him off, and there's no telling then what will be to do."

"Well, Sarah?"

"The master, sir, he likes me, and he has