Page:Between Two Loves.djvu/90

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both Joyce and baby crying against one another, and she hed 'em both to wash and feed and do for. Then she cooked something, and tidied up t' house, and worked away most of t' night hours. Sometimes both t' mother and child were sick, and t' poor lass wouldn't get a wink of sleep between day and day's work."

"Thou should hev helped her a bit."

"I hed my own 'lookout,' Master Holden, and both mother and granny thought Sarah did more than she was called to do, seeing that Steve could hev all t' work he hed a mind to take"

"Well, Joyce hes been up and well for a goodish bit now, hesn't she?"

"Ay, she hes, but she'd got used to Sarah helping her wi' t' washing and cleaning, got used to Sarah nursing t' child while she got a bit of sleep, and so Sarah was over at t' cottage most nights for this thing or the other. And Steve hesn't been quite as steady lately, he got out o' heart with t' expense of t' doctor and medicine, and I'll warrant Sarah hes hed to give many a shilling to make both ends of t' week meet."