Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/12

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In compounding all cold beverages, a few general rules must be scrupulously followed to insure a perfect result.

Take great care not to make your punches or cups too sweet. This is a very serious fault and one usually met with in private houses.

Always serve ice cold; and here a word about ice. Cut it in one piece as large as possible to use in the bowl or pitcher intended for serving. Avoid small pieces of ice in either bowl, pitcher or glasses, as this weakens the decoction and is inelegant.

The brewing is most important. The sugar, together with all fruits, herbs or bitters, in fact, all the ingredients except the wine, carbonated waters and ice, should be thoroughly mixed and put aside in the ice-box for from half to three-quarters of an hour, in order that it may become chilled, and so