Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/19

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One sherry glass of curaçoa, one-half a sherry glass of maraschino, one-half a sherry glass of orange bitters, three sherry glasses of raspberry syrup and juice of six large lemons. Brew as per directions for one or two days. Pour into your punch bowl over your ice, and add one quart of seltzer, just before serving.


The juice of three good sized lemons, two sherry glasses curaçoa, one pint fruit crushed with sugar, (either red raspberries or peaches,) and one-half pint of brandy. Brew and then add three pints of claret. Sweeten to taste. Strain through flannel bag and lastly add three pints of champagne and one pint of apollinaris. Fruit syrups may be used in place of fresh fruits, omitting sugar.