Page:Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends.djvu/53

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cutting and making as usual. Cream cheese may be substituted if the imported Neufchatel cannot be obtained.


Take a box of good, creamy imported Camembert (not that packed in jars) and spread on the under buttered bread slice. Cover this with the thin slices of a Bartlett pear. Place over this the top buttered slice, pressing firmly together. Cut and serve. The excellence of this sandwich depends entirely on the condition and quality of the cheese, and none but a connaisseur should select it.

All cheese sandwiches are most excellent served with imported or domestic ales and beers. We have found that a sandwich made of "Gluten Entire Wheat Flour" bread, buttered without any filling, is very nice with ales or beers and highly relished by men "who know."