Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/113

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cause it’s the coolest place on the farm. I’ve given up dreaming.

Andrew—[Grinning.] I don’t believe it. You can’t have changed that much.

Robert—[Wearily.] One gets tired of dreaming—when they never come true.

Andrew—[Scrutinizing his brother’s face.] You’ve changed in looks all right. You look all done up, as if you’d been working too hard. Better let up on yourself for a while.

Robert—Oh, I’m all right!

Andrew—Take a fool’s advice and go it easy. You remember—your old trouble. You wouldn’t want that coming back on you, eh? It pays to keep top-notch in your case.

Robert—[Betraying annoyance.] Oh, that’s all a thing of the past, Andy. Forget it!

Andrew—Well—a word to the wise does no harm? Don’t be touchy about it. [Slapping his brother on the back.] You know I mean well, old man, even if I do put my foot in it.

Robert—Of course, Andy. I’m not touchy about it. I don’t want you to worry about dead things, that’s all. I’ve a headache today, and I expect I do look done up.

Andrew—Mum’s the word, then! [After a pause—with boyish enthusiasm.] Say, it sure brings back old times to be up here with you having a chin all by our lonesomes again. I feel great being back home.