Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/167

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Andrew—[With a quick glance at Ruth.] Yes, s’pose so.

Robert—I’m glad. You can do to the farm all I’ve undone. [With a smile.] Do you know I was too proud to ask you for money when things went bad here? You’ll have to forgive me for that, Andy.

Andrew—I knew it wasn’t like you to feel that way.

Robert—But what did you do down there? Tell me. You went in the grain business with that friend of yours?

Andrew—Yes. After two years I had a share in it. I sold out last year. [He is answering Rob’s questions with great reluctance.]

Robert—And then?

Andrew—I went in on my own.

Robert—Your own business?

Andrew—I s’pose you’d call it that.

Robert—Still in grain?


Robert—What’s the matter? What’s there to be ashamed of? You look as if I was accusing you of crimes.

Andrew—I’m proud enough of the first four years. It’s after that I’m not boasting of. You see, I couldn’t make money easy enough that way, so I took to speculating.

Robert—In wheat?


Robert—And you made money—gambling?