Page:Bezboroa and Few Others.pdf/15

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Bezboroa and Few Others

STAR (Tora) Who art thou sitting in the infinite sky, Meditating deep on though high? What remorse you have ? Tiny man I, fail to understand. Sorrows and sufferings, pangs of life, Envy, jealousy, hypocrasy of human mind ? Dew drops, thine tears, fall on earth In what grief ? unable to understand. Art thou flowers blooming in heaven in delight Spreading fragnance and light? where love-laughter, sorrow-sufferings You won't find. Or the bright diamonds and precious pearls Spreading in all directions, up-above His Holiness sparkling in the universe ? Or the millions of the eyes of the God of death Rewarding our sin-virtue, scandal-achivement Nothig I comprehened; Impart me wisdom, O' Lord of the Lords ! Bezboroa and few others # 4