Page:Bezboroa and Few Others.pdf/33

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Bezboroa and Few Others

DEVA KANTA BARUA HAVE YOU SEEN OCEAN, EVER? (Sagar Dekhisa ?) Have you seen ocean Even ? Never you ? I have also not Still come soetimes to my ears Blue beds of water Unobstructed waves Extend To far, long, deep horizon. My heart is also blue, of pains; Behind the goal of lust Lies the wave of sea Caressing the line of the dead past. Have you heard ? Have you heard in my sea The exciting music of storm ? Have you felt The sign of spring In the flower garden ? Have you seen rainblow In the clouds of summer? The devine glory of light and love! The ceremonious colour in the sky! Have you been woken up ever in midnight By the pathetic song of the winterblind? Have you pondered for a moment- Bird's cry convey The sad sentiments summer of human life! Bezboroa and few others # 22