Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/111

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Or he may even be born into a family of wise Yogîs; but such a birth as that is most difficult to obtain in this world. (42)

तत्र तं बुद्धिसंयोगं लभते पौर्वदेहिकम् ।

यतते च ततो भूयः संसिद्धौ कुरुनन्दन ॥ ४३ ॥

There he recovereth the characteristics belonging to this former body, and with these he again laboureth for perfection, O joy of the Kurus. (43)

पूर्वाभ्यासेन तेनैव ह्रियते ह्यवशोऽपि सः ।

जिज्ञासुरपि योगस्य शब्दब्रह्मातिवर्तते ॥ ४४ ॥

By that former practice he is irresistibly swept away. Only wishing to know yoga, even the seeker after yoga goeth beyond the Brâhmic world;[1](44)

प्रयत्नाद्यतमानस्तु योगी संशुद्धकिल्बिषः ।

अनेकजन्मसंसिद्धस्ततो याति परां गतिम् ॥ ४५ ॥

But the Yogî, labouring with assiduity, purified

  1. The Vedas.